Love Thy Neighbor Unless Your Neighbor is Hugo Chavez

“You know, I don’’t know about this doctrine of assassination, but if he thinks we’re trying to assassinate him, I think that we really ought to go ahead and do it,” Robertson said. ““It’’s a whole lot cheaper than starting a waAnd.. and I don’t think any oil shipments will stop.”

Thank you again, Pat Robertson. I can understand one saying that we need to get Chavez out of power because what he’s doing is bad for our international interests. However, for a outspoken figure who 90% of the public associates with general Evangelical Christianity to say that its a huge mistake. I just can’t understand why he continues to make Christians look like total hypocrites.

I’d like to quickly apologize for the small font size on the page. As you may notice, it has since changed. If you don’t feel that the current size is sufficient, please let me know. The picture above sort of reminds me of something I saw today at the DTS bookstore, which you too can see if you follow the link below. I was really close to getting the John the Baptist version until I found out that he didnt come with the removable head.

Chalk One Up

Apparently there is a difference between 24 hour fitness, 24 hour fitness sport and 24 hour fitness super sport. I had no idea. I mean, yes, I understand that each of them has some different addition and I’m guessing that those words mean SOMETHING, but I don’t know WHAT and I for sure didn’t know that I couldn’t work out at the one with the ‘super’ attached to it. It would have been helpful to know before 5:30 am when I am 20 minutes from home on my first day of work. Luckily the woman at the desk gave me a by and I was able to work out after only some minor pathetic theatrics. After experiencing the amazing difference of super sport, I must say that the word ‘super’ seems a bit much. They didn’t have my favorite ab machine, but they did offer mouthwash and lotions in the bathroom. I used neither. I guess I’m not super enough to throw my obsessive compulsion with cleanliness and personal hygiene to the wind. It was all a little too creepy for me. I’ll just take my poor sport butt to a different one. One where no one offers me mouthwash in the locker room.

My first day was typical – IT problems, waiting for the person who’s training me to finish their real work so that they can show me how to do amazingly simply things. Essentially I prepare TPS reports and send them out to people, with cover sheets of course. It would’ve been helpful if my trainer had told me that the report needed to be inserted into the microscopic slits in the folders before I sealed the envelopes they were in, but it didn’t take that long to open them all up, insert all of the papers into the slits and reseal them with packing tape. Not as long as pounding my head against a filing cabinet for 50 minutes, but nearly as much fun. I was pretty relieved to find the work so simple, but also a little frightened because I am sure I cannot do this for a long period of time. We’ll see how it all works out.

I’ll give a shout out to the ‘rents who celebrated their anniversary yesterday. Holla!!

And finally, Adam, you better be treating my dogs nicely (i.e. when preparing yourself a tuna fish sandwhich, be sure to open two cans of tuna, use as much tuna as you’d like for two-four sandwiches but make sure to leave a little extra in each can and give one to each puppy). If you don’t they will just bite you, or cry a lot, or lick you, or pee. Have it your way, I guess.


I think that its about time that we get this blog a bit more syndicated amongst our friends. Otherwise, anything that I/we publish on it will be pretty worthless aside from personal entertainment by the marvels of technology. Just as an update, Kim begins her new job tomorrow, please pray that things will go smoothly as she transitions there. I have a few days until things really get rolling at the Seminary, but I’m excited in the mean time with what I’m going to learn and study during the course of this semester and the time to come. The Lord has really made all of this possible and we’re so thankful that He has. Also pray for us as we continue to look for a new church. We visited the same place we did last week and once again we not that impressed by the actual service but found our selves really loving all the people we encountered. We’ll see what happens after next week when the Senior Pastor is back from the vacation he took this week. Thank you all for your thoughts, phone calls, prayers, and letters. Love, Jud & Kim. Posted by Picasa