Archive for August, 2007

What Can I Say?

So, I got this in the mail the other day. You can see why it caught my eye.

(My favorite part is how they photoshop-ed this guys arm pit. Nice.)

Sorry, Zan! I love you!!


There are a few things I’d like to tell you about, some of which may not be at all interesting to you and the other stuff even less so, but, as always, feel free to skim.

I have not yet completed all of the thank you notes for presents people have given Gideon. I am a horrible thank you note writer, in spite of my extreme thankfulness. This is not my mother’s fault. She raised me right. I just can’t ever get my act in order to sit down and do them and then to deliver them. Every time I see the bag, I run for the computer and tell myself that I should be working, which I do (or sometimes I poke around on blogs and such, which is equal in weight to working versus thank you note writing, I think). At this point, I may just have Gideon write them himself. They’re his gifts anyway.

I submitted an online question to our bank about home loans today after I put together our budget for this next month. I think we are heart-wrenchingly close to actually putting the whole ‘home buying’ thing in gear. Makes me sweaty. It’s that whole debt thing. My entire life I’ve been trying to avoid it. Running from it by choosing a school where my mother worked for college (cha-ching!), furiously shredding any credit card application that came to rest in my mailbox, and paying off a car loan in less than half the time because having to write the check for the payment and put it in the mail is just as painful as parting with the money in the first place. I’m trying to remember to breathe.

Gideon loves being outside and all of the storms that moved through over the past few days have made the temperatures perfect for us to spend his awake time in the yard. He just sits and watches the leaves move in the breeze, studies the grass, and gets really excited about anything that flies. When we go back inside there is usually some protest crying or a little fist beating my chest. Jud has a half day tomorrow and we’re going to spend the afternoon (if it is not raining) outside somewhere.

Now I’d better go write some thank you notes….right after I do some work….which will be right after I read a couple of blogs.

If I can’t be outside, I’d rather be jumping.


This past week was absolutely incredible. Last Sunday night our dear friends, Daniel & Jenn (and his mom and grandparents) rolled into Omaha on their way back south. We spent the evening with them and it was SO good to see them. In a lot of ways it seems like our life in Dallas never happened, like all of those friends we made and things we did and people we loved are all a made up fairytale of goodness that we tell, but didn’t really live (we miss you all so much). We sent them off on Monday and thought about them driving all day.

Tuesday came and so did Grans. She flew in that afternoon and will be here through late October. Four generations under one roof is quite a feat and thus far there have not been any real issues, which I will chalk up to the fact that Grans only wears one hearing aid and it’s not usually in her ear. She told me a story or two that I haven’t heard before and repeated several that I’ve been hearing for a few years. This used to only be something my dad’s dad did, but I think it’s catching and now Grans has it too. The sad part is that I’ve caught myself doing it too. So, you know, if you heard this one before….

Friday morning, Jud’s family rolled into town. His youngest sister was moving down for college and we helped move her in on Saturday. She’s on Rebecca’s hall and we know she’s going to have a blast (we did quite a bit of reminiscing while we were driving down to the school…college was so incredibly fun…the road trips…the drama…the pranks…the green nun…the coffee…it was also incredibly stretching and such an intense period of personal and spiritual growth…even with all the growing pains and sleep deprivation, neither of us would trade in those days).

In the middle of all of that, Jud got offered a new job, to do something completely different and we thought about it…a lot. He’d interviewed and we’d prayed and he got offered pretty sweet money. The trade off was for longer hours, more stress and in all probability junky supervisors who are just this side of crazy. He eventually talked about all of it with his current employer (toward whom he had no ill will nor did he posess a real desire to leave) and they found a better solution. So he is staying there and we are both happy. We both think that ultimately, what he really chose, was to be there. To be there for Gideon. To be there for me. To be there for the ministry we are leading. To be present and fully committed to the things that matter most. I’m so glad he did.

The Scoop

Here’s the 411 and where it came from (thanks WOWT).

Eight homes were evacuated in La Vista Saturday morning when police found what they say was a pipe bomb. A neighbor near 7800 La Vista Drive reported a suspicious vehicle and that led to the discovery of the explosive.

The quiet La Vista neighborhood turned into a hot spot as authorities moved in around 8:30 a.m.

Cheryl Mace says, “I didn’t know if someone got hit by a car or what happened and I’m still not sure what’s going on.”

What was happening focused on the Jeep driven by 29-year-old Edward J.O’Neill.

La Vista Police Lieutenant D.J. Barcal says, “There are indicators he wasn’t who he claimed to be. Identification didn’t match the driver. Subsequent investigation led to his arrest.”

When officers first took the suspect into custody, they found drug paraphernalia, a pair of brass knuckles and then, 20-minutes later, they found the suspicious device.

Lt. Barcal says, “It was an extreme danger not only to the officers but to the residents who live on either side of the vehicle.”

Neighbors were moved out as the bomb squad moved in.

Lt. Barcal says the device was a, “homemade pipe bomb device — approximately four inches, capped on both ends. It was a metal device with a fuse four to five inches long wrapped around the device.”

The device was removed and neighbors were back in their homes by noon.

And in a possibly related story…

Explosive in Parking Lot
Shortly before 1 p.m., Omaha Police removed a pipe bomb from the parking lot of the PetsMart store at Oak View Mall on Saturday.

Authorities were called about a suspicious package and officers located the pipe bomb in the lot.

The bomb response unit was called and removed the explosive. It will be disposed of at a later date.

The officers also located what appeared to be two incendiary devices that the suspect attempted to detonate. The devices were removed from the scene.

La Vista police say the device found at the pet store is similar to the one recovered in La Vista. The investigations continue but the two incidents have not been formally connected.

Apparently Nebraska is the place to be if you are making bombs in your basement. Good grief!

Pipe(Bomb)Dreams (pt. II)

The bomb squad is now outside. More updates to follow…after we run some errands.


So, this is going on just up the street from us…

So, this is going on just up the street from us….

The LaVista cops pulled over a stolen vehicle.

There’s a pipe bomb in the back.

The Omaha bomb squad is on the way.

We’ll keep you posted.

Can I Get What What?

Not that long ago a friend of mine posted on her blog about how being a mom is tiring. I agree with that. I also know that one of the things that makes me less tired is working out. I know some people will disagree with me on that, but I don’t mean the hours and hours at the gym slaving away until my hair falls out kind (you know who you are…and I’m glad that you have chilled out about those overly intense workouts). I mean the thirty to sixty minutes of aerobic activity…running, stair climbing, tread climbing (have you done this? find a tread climber near you and get on that thing! You’ll burn more calories than running, but you’re walking and it feels good), or whatever the next best thing at the gym is.

I haven’t been to the gym now since last week (although it seems like much longer) mostly because to get there, I need to go around 4:30 or 5:00 am and I’m loving sleep more than being awake. I was feeling pretty perplexed about how to burn those calories and wake myself up, until I found FitTV. My parents have the super deluxe digital cable package and it has an entire channel dedicated to working out. Some of the workouts are clearly from the 80s (sse: headbands, shiny lycra/spandex leotards, and now vintage Nikes) but sweat is sweat, so whatever.

Yesterday I did a “dancers workout” along with some yoga and I thought it was no big deal, that technically it was barely a workout at all, the sweat was not much and the weights I used were light. Today, however, I realize that it was doozy. My muscles are telling me that I worked hard, everywhere except where I really want them to, which is of course my abs.

I’m back down to my pre-baby weight now but it has been redistributed into odd pockets of flesh around my torso and upper arms. I can fit into most of pre-baby pants, but with a nasty muffin top. Shirts that have no buttons usually fit but if they do they usually highlight the extra roll of squishy-ness just above my pants, which is not exactly the look I’m going for right now (I can’t wait until it comes into style. I’m going to rock that fashion trend).

All of that to say, the next time you see your mother, hug her and hug her big. She gave up her body for you.

This picture was taken when I thought I was ‘showing’. Little did I know, I’d be three months post delivery and wishing I had that belly.

(Curses on blogger for not letting me rotate this image!)

But I still wouldn’t trade that belly for this little guy.

Not even when he’s doing this.